My Top Tips for Anxiety Relief

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” - T.S. Eliot

This post has been in the works for a lil while longer than I anticipated. Blogging wasn’t high on the priority list last week. Idk if you heard but the current events in the World are whack & people are getting tickets for being in parks in Toronto. I’ve been losing my mind, applying for employment insurance, trying to understand what CERB means, moving into my boyfriend’s w roomies, cooking, still tryna learn & keep doing my best. What better time to reflect on how tf I am pulling this off!

The weight of the world is overwhelming. I can feel it in the air outside, the aura in the room. It feels unbearably heavy. Even before all this, it felt unbearably heavy at times. In Canada, mood & anxiety disorders are the most common types of mental illness (1). Further, its not surprising that the prevalence increases in females from ages of 15 to early adulthood (2). If you haven’t had the absolute pleasure of experiencing the totally awesome day to day life in those shoes, then this time is especially crucial in maintaining your psychological well-being. But if you are right there with me, this extraordinary time is not only scare-you-sh*tless terrifying, it can be triggering on multiple levels & it may test our ability to cope.

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again - I do food. As a dietitian, mental health is not my area of expertise. Honestly, I am not even nearly qualified to prescribe treatments. This post is not intended to replace the care of a mental health specialist nor to replace treatments prescribed to you. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call 1 833 456 4566 or click the link below. The tips provided in this post are what I do - personally - to relieve intense, overwhelming feelings. Think of them as tools in your toolbox & activities in your schedule.

These tips come from my therapist, my doctor, the Intuitive Eating Workbook, in addition to the incredible community of support online & a few from my own brain. I’ve been dealing with this for just over a year now, so here’s what I do to remind it who’s boss.


This one is a big one for me. I looove coffee! If you’re with me on Instagram, you know how much I looove my Nespresso. However, caffeine is a stimulant & therefore triggers our body’s response to danger. This response, commonly known as fight or flight, causes an increased heart rate & alertness - which isn’t helping us slow down, it’s actually speeding us up. All of a sudden, wheels are spinning, thoughts are circling. After visiting my doctor & discussing my caffeine habits, we decided a good course of action would be to reduce my caffeine intake & see the results. DANG. Life changing. At first, I was skeptical as I knew I didn’t drink that much caffeine. The recommendation for caffeine is to consume less than 300 mg per day & I was consuming about the same, give or take 50-75 mg depending on the mood (like if I worked a night shift or was unable to sleep).

It is important to reduce your intake slowly as to avoid experiencing any symptoms of withdrawal - such as headaches & irritability. Further, withdrawal symptoms can further trigger depression & anxiety. Slow & steady, at your own pace. Your effort is worth feeling better, it is for you & you only. For example, I was drinking 2-3 caffeinated bevys (cappuccinos) per day. First, I kicked it to maximum 2. One for rise & shine followed by another to sip on later in the day. Then I went to single espresso shots instead of doubles. Once that felt okay, I went to a single, just the in AM, occasionally opting for a double if times were tough. I was still experiencing symptoms such as jitters & insomnia. Being in isolation made me wonder what I was caffeinating for - working from the couch, FaceTiming my pals & one of a walk/workout/yoga to return to working from the couch?

So I went to zero, GASP!! Its true, ya girl is on decaf, I never thought I would see the day! This is purely anecdotal, but I have noticed a huge improvement in my sleep schedule as well. If I can do it, so can you. Something to consider!


I have been meditating for about year now, however it feels like just within the past few months have I been successful in finding a truly meditative state. I used to think it was simply sitting quietly with nice music in the background - so ~ zen ~. But it is a powerful tool in acknowledging & managing thoughts. The idea is to practice it with all thoughts, leaving you equipped with a method to manage those that are causing you fear, stress & worry. I prefer guided meditation & enjoy using Headspace or Insight Timer the best. Research suggests improvement of symptoms of anxiety with regular meditation (3).

I kept trying & giving up on meditation. It’s not exactly a super social, thrill-seeking blast. I would get frustrated with myself for being unable to focus & end up ditching the session. If this is you, now is the time to keep going. This is when you will benefit from your practice most & it is the best time to believe in your ability to control your thoughts. Your brain is yours, you tell it who’s boss. Also, there are many many practices & forms of meditation. If you try a few & still aren’t feeling it, there are many types & different practices you can do to achieve the same benefits (& not dread doing it).

VISUALIZATION is another greatly powerful tool, following many similar basics of meditation. It is great to use when settling into meditation & when you need to take a time out to simply relax. It usually takes me anywhere from 3-5 minutes to settle in, staying sometimes for hours, if time permits. It is as great as you allow it to be. First, define your ideal surroundings to bring you maximum relaxation. Take a few deep, soothing breaths in a comfortable location. Sitting, standing, laying however you are comfortable. Picture yourself totally relaxed. Visualize yourself in your ultra-relaxed state. Where are you? Are you alone? Who is there with you? What are you experiencing? Sounds? Smells? Any tastes? Is it a real place? Somewhere you have been before? What sort of physical sensations are you feeling? Etc. The first few times practicing may be entirely mentally building & improving your environment - that’s okay! The more time spent making it a place you like, the more immersive your experience will be.

Once you are satisfied with the amount of relaxation potential in your scene, it’s time to go there. Breathe deeply & think of those sensations. What can you bring here with you? For me, laying on the beach in the Sun & feeling the heat radiate in my skin is soothing. Radiating heat from a hot bubble bath does the trick also. You do you. Find your place, have patience with yourself, & do what you need to do to find bliss.

NARRATION is a useful tool to mitigate negative thoughts from taking over. For me, these thoughts can demand to be heard & get louder the longer I try to keep them quiet. Narration involves defining your surroundings & pointing out the facts, the things you know for certain. I like to consider this finding comfort in the truth, ditching skepticism & thoughts of ‘what if’, or ‘just in case’ to help let go of feelings of fear, worry or criticism. When thoughts without fact arise & cause distress, begin narrating again.

The practices of visualization & narration were introduced to me by the Intuitive Eating Workbook. It’s so much more than “eat what you want”.


Regularly repeating & reminding yourself of all the things you are grateful for is scientifically proven to have emotional & social benefits. Further, research indicates regular practices of gratitude protected from developing depression and/or generalized anxiety disorder (4).

I like to do my gratitude in a journal, on a random scrap of paper, or the notes in my phone. It is nice to do at the same time everyday, but life is crazy & we need a practice to rely on here. I used to do it every single day religiously, counting up to 25 different things for weeks in a row. But now, I try for once weekly at minimum. You may be surprised with how easily things add to your list. You may become aware of areas you would like some improvement in. It is such a useful tool that leaves you feeling calm, blessed & managed. Anotha one thanks to Intuitive Eating.


Exercise releases endorphins & is a well known encouraged practice for both the general population & those living with mental illness. I like to make it real joyful when I’m feeling anxious. Perhaps its learning a Tik Tok dance, a quick yoga flow, sprinting as fast as I can while scream singing, really whatever I feel like. Movement absolutely helps.

Careful to consider your relationship with exercise to ensure this practice is useful & monitor for feelings that may be adding fuel to the fire. Remember, this movement is to feel the immediate benefits of exercise, such as rejuvenated & energized. This movement is not to punish yourself for having emotions.


I might as well take this one straight from Principle 8 of Intuitive Eating, which is focused on Respecting Your Body. Simple acts of self care are plenty. It’s a global pandemic, it’s an inconceivable & crazy time. You are doing your best & your best is good enough. Hell, I’ve full-bawled everyday like clockwork. Take it day by day & week by week. Take the time to shower, brush your teeth & eat something yummy. Practicing gratitude & other self care/self respect routines regularly help to improve self confidence, as if you needed another reason to take care of yourself.

Consider integrating these practices regularly to prevent unwanted or overwhelming thoughts from starting in the first place. I mean, in theory. They will still come, but we will be more equipped to acknowledge them, let them pass & get on with the hustle.


If you are tired, rest. If you are sad, cry. If you are anxious, think about how you feel & why you feel that way. Anxiety isn’t a good enough reason for me to feel anxious. What do you need in that moment? What will provide you with relief? You know you best.


You are all you need. We as humans are equipped to manage our thoughts, however a lil help & extra comfort doesn’t hurt. I have noticed a difference & find comfort in these items:

◍ Weighted blanket (15lb) essential oils (lavender & eucalyptus are my fav) ◍ scented candles (Bath & Body Works all the way) ◍ herbal teas (undefined, any that are labelled caffeine free!) ◍ lotions (B&BW) ◍ face masks (The Ordinary, Winners) ◍ books & audiobooks (I like Audible & try to have one fictional on the go) ◍


I’m SO lucky to have my therapist & a supportive group of people with my happiness near the top of their own priority list. Seriously, so lucky, the luckiest. I also have access to ongoing care & am monitored/reevaluated by my doctor every 3 months. Again, this is what I find helpful. If these tips aren’t helping & you haven’t yet received personalized care, I can’t stress the importance of seeking professional help & treatment. It is scary, it can be hard to admit out loud that you need help. But it is truly life changing. If you are unsure how to access help, please reach out to me. I can help find help if I can’t help.

I hope you are keeping well pals. We’re all in this together!

For the love of carbs & Lysol wipes,

Emily Paige





4 IE Workbook pg 181/182, Resch & Tribole

What is IE/HAES & Why You Should Care

What does IE/HAES even mean? I’m breaking it down in this post. Learn about the process of Intuitive Eating & what makes it different than any other regime or program we know.

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